10 Jan

Pelvic floor physiotherapy is a newly established field of research that is meant to fight against incontinence and pelvic pain in women. This pelvic floor dysfunction is caused by various factors such as hypotonicity. Hypotonicity occurs when the pelvic floor muscles become less toned and weak. It causes stress incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. On the other hand, hypertonicity causes the muscles to be overstretched and tight. Hypertonicity leads to urinary and fecal urgency, urge incontinence, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis among others. In other words, if our pelvic floor muscles are not healthy, we are bound to sustain various health conditions.

These voluntary muscles are very important, yet less attention is paid to them. Our exercise and workout regimes should check into the necessary exercises that can boost pelvic muscles health. The field of medicine has also neglected this area of the body very much. Pelvic muscles are very important in our life since they help maintain the control of bladder and bowel functions well. These muscles allow someone to be involved in sexual activities and get enough. Pelvic muscles also offer support to the internal organs such as the bladder, uterus, and intestines as they are maintained in the abdominal cavity where they belong. Pelvic muscles are also known to assist the circulatory system transport blood, and other body fluids from the legs bank the upper part of the body and heart, go here!

For the healthy functioning of the pelvic floor muscles, it is essential to keep your pelvic floor muscles strong and relaxed. This is important to make sure that all these muscles and body parts are functioning well. It is advisable to perform quality pelvic floor strengthening exercises if possible three times per day. Those who have fitness routine should also consider involving pelvic floor in the process. You should also avoid any exercises at home that strain pelvic floor. Check out this website at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/health-fitness/ and know more about health.

Such kind of exercises that you should avoid includes high impact heavy lifting that may apply unnecessary pressure that may strain pelvic floor muscles. It is good always to involve pelvic floor when you're are lifting or doing an exercise that will somehow affect your bladder control. Some of these exercises include; coughing, laughing or even sneezing. For women who have given birth, they can perform post pregnancy exercise that helps top support their pelvic floor. You should get a postnatal exercise specialist who will assist you in doing the exercises. Yoga also has significant benefits for the pelvic floor muscles. Take care of your pelvic floor. You contact them today!

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